South Florida Animal Rescues Provide Aid to Bahamian Neighbors

As the news and images began coming in over social media during what would normally be a celebratory holiday weekend, it became clear that the damage caused by Hurricane Dorian would be catastrophic.
While the entire state of Florida was placed under a state of emergency and coastal residents braced for the worst themselves, they watched in horror as the Bahama Islands were pummeled by a record-breaking Category 5 storm. After a brutal 48 hours with almost no communication, the desperate pleas for help started to emerge.
As a result, many Floridians are reaching out to help. Several local animal rescues and volunteers have mobilized to begin collecting supplies to send over, as well as make arrangements to bring back surviving dogs and cats.
Bullies n Beyond, Paw Patrol and South Florida Lending Hands are all animal rescues teaming up to support the North Abaco Potcake Rescue. They started collecting on Thursday and have already received much needed supplies. The plan is to charter a flight to bring it over, but they are still waiting to hear where they can land safely.
Due to the wait, the donations need to be stored somewhere safe, and the orgs have obtained a storage facility to hold the goods until they be safely delivered. Once it’s dropped off, the plane can be filled with dogs, who will be cared for by local fosters until they can be adopted out to new homes.
“We have a cargo plane lined up (and reserved) to assist us! They will transport 2,500lbs of supplies to the Bahamas. We just need to wait till the airport gives us the green light. Flight will be departing from FLL.” - Vicki DeLuca, Bullies -n- Beyond
As of Friday, 9/6/19 the most dire supplies needed are bungee cords, battery operated fans, batteries and rubbing alchol.
Monetary donations are critical in order to ensure they can charter enough flights necessary (fuel, insurance, etc) maintain the storage unit and provide care for the incoming dogs.
You can use paypal -
If you are interested in fostering one of the incoming dogs, contact
“We have been working NON-STOP to make this happen but we can’t do it alone, we need help.”