Beleaf in You

Rhonda Taassa’s Golden Retriever, Rocco, had been suffering from chronic skin issues since he was a puppy. For years they went to different vets and tried different solutions, only to be disappointed in the results each time.
Rhonda and Rocco. All Beleaf’s products are paraban and cruelty-free and vegan.
“We tried steroids and steroid shots. We went to holistic vets, you name it, nothing worked. For four years we went around and around.”
Rhonda decided to experiment with Moringa oil after hearing about how it had helped humans suffering from chronic skin problems like excema and psoriasis. To her delight, the oil seemed to calm the flare ups, and eventually, eliminated Rocco’s problem altogether. It’s been almost one year, and he is totally allergy-free.
Rhonda began researching how and where to source the highest quality oils (it turns out, Sri Lanka) and formulated a shampoo and conditioner first, working with a chemist.
“I’ve seen it clear up spider and insect bites, as well as have an amazing effect on their coats.”
The company stands by it’s product’s true label claim of having the highest quality available - cold-pressed, cultivated and produced without pesticides or radiation, and using a carrier oil (CBD) of similar distinction.
The team is currently working on developing a balm for the paws and nose, which will be availabe soon. In them meantime, you can find the products online, at Belaf in You, or - for those local to South Florida - at Greenlands market in DelRey Beach, FL, DelRey Shore Pharmacy, and Salon Bark. Additionally, they will soon be expanding and working with a co-op in Brooklyn.